They who are of the opinion that money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything, for money.
George Saville
Time is money.
Benjamin Franklin
What is most vile and despicable about money is that it even confers talent.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Life can be wonderful if you're not afraid of it. All it takes is courage, imagination… and a little dough.
Charles Chaplin
The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.
Thomas Jefferson
In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.
William Penn
Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it.
William Penn
Those who lack money when they come to borrow will also lack money when they come to pay.
Oliver Goldsmith
Lend only what you can afford to lose.
George Herbert
If Men considered how many Things there are that Riches cannot buy, they would not be so fond of them.
George Saville
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