An important advance in the life of a people is the transformation of the religion of fear into the moral religion.
Albert Einstein
I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest and noblest driving force behind scientific research.
Albert Einstein
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Albert Einstein
If it is one of the goals of religion to liberate mankind as far as possible from the bondage of egocentric cravings, desires, and fears, scientific reasoning can aid religion in yet another sense.
Albert Einstein
You will hardly find one among the profounder sort of scientific minds without a peculiar religious feeling of of his own.
Albert Einstein
If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
Albert Einstein
Religion and science go together.
Albert Einstein
Religion is partly fundamental & immutable partly circumstantial & mutable.
Isaac Newton
Cruelty and intolerance to those who do not belong to it are natural to every religion.
Sigmund Freud
Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor.
Sigmund Freud
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