


[1777.4.30 - 1855.2.23]




The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal themselves in all their beauty only to those who have the courage to go deeply into it.



(タグ:科学  勇気


Mathematics is the queen of the sciences.





There is in this world a joy of the intellect, which finds satisfaction in science, and a joy of the heart, which manifests itself above all in the aid men give one another against the troubles and trials of life.



(タグ:世界 科学 人生 満足


Whether the soul were to live for 80 years or for 80 million years, if it were doomed in the end to perish, such an existence would only be a respite.





I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them.





I confess that Fermat's Theorem as an isolated proposition has very little interest for me, because I could easily lay down a multitude of such propositions, which one could neither prove nor dispose of.



(タグ:興味 理論


There are problems to whose solution I would attach an infinitely greater importance than to those of mathematics, for example touching ethics, or our relation to God, or concerning our destiny and our future; but their solution lies wholly beyond us and completely outside the province of science.



(タグ:問題 解決 重要性  未来


As the lightning strikes the riddle was solved; I myself would be unable to point to a guiding thread between what I knew before, what I had used in my last attempts, and what made it work.



(タグ: 解決


I believe you are more believing in the Bible than I. I am not, and, you are much happier than I.



(タグ:信念 幸福


The world would be nonsense, the whole creation an absurdity without immortality.



(タグ:世界 意味


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