The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.
Theodor Adorno
Communists have always viewed the national question through the prism of the class struggle , believing that its solution has to be subordinated to the interests of the Revolution , to the interests of socialism.
Leonid Brezhnev
Detente is a readiness to resolve differences and conflicts not by force, not by threats and sabre-rattling, but by peaceful means, at the conference table.
Leonid Brezhnev
Art is that imaginative expression of human energy, which, through technical concretion of feeling and perception, tends to reconcile the individual with the universal, by exciting in him impersonal emotion.
John Galsworthy
There are problems to whose solution I would attach an infinitely greater importance than to those of mathematics, for example touching ethics, or our relation to God, or concerning our destiny and our future; but their solution lies wholly beyond us and completely outside the province of science.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
As the lightning strikes the riddle was solved; I myself would be unable to point to a guiding thread between what I knew before, what I had used in my last attempts, and what made it work.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Dark are the paths which a higher hand allows us to traverse here... let us hold fast to the faith that a finer, more sublime solution of the enigmas of earthly life will be present, will become part of us.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
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