Everything that has existed, lingers in the Eternity.
Agatha Christie
Forever is composed of nows.
Emily Dickinson
There is nothing besides a spiritual world; what we call the world of the senses is the Evil in the spiritual world, and what we call Evil is only the necessity of a moment in our eternal evolution.
Franz Kafka
Dear, sweet, unforgettable childhood! Why does this irrevocable time, forever departed, seem brighter, more festive and richer than it actually was?
Anton Chekhov
Death is terrible, but still more terrible is the feeling that you might live for ever and never die.
Anton Chekhov
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.
Albert Einstein
I am satisfied with the mystery of life's eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence — as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.
Albert Einstein
First you must have faith in an eternal world independent of you; then you must have faith in your ability to perceive it.
Albert Einstein
Necessity is the theme and the inventress, the eternal curb and law of nature.
Leonardo da Vinci
The sadness will last forever.
Vincent van Gogh
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