Error is the price we pay for progress.
Alfred North Whitehead
The better a man is, the more mistakes will he make - for the more new things he will try.
Peter Drucker
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.
Niels Bohr
The successful revolutionary is a statesman, the unsuccessful one a criminal.
Erich Fromm
Someone who fails to get elected to office can always console himself with the thought that there was something not quite fair about it.
Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. On the contrary: rationalize them, understand them thoroughly. After that, it will be possible for you to sublimate them.
Salvador Dali
All human activities are equivalent … and … all are on principle doomed to failure.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Nature never "fails." Nature complies with its own laws. Nature is the law. When Man lacks understanding of Nature's laws and a Man-contrived structure buckles unexpectedly, it does not fail. It only demonstrates that Man did not understand Nature’s laws and behaviors. Nothing failed. Man’s knowledge or estimating was inadequate.
Buckminster Fuller
Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.
Coco Chanel
We make, of course, failures and we make mistakes, but we sometimes get glimpses of what we might do next.
John Cage
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