The opposite of sin is faith.
Soren Kierkegaard
"Faith" means not wanting to know.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.
Nothing is so fatal to Religion as indifference which is, at least, half Infidelity.
Edmund Burke
As Buddhists, while we practice our own teaching, we must respect other faiths, Christianity, Judaism and so forth.
The 14th Dalai Lama
There are similarities between absolute power and absolute faith: a demand for absolute obedience; a readiness to attempt the impossible; a bias for simple solutions — to cut the knot rather than unravel it; the viewing of compromise as surrender; the tendency to manipulate people and "experiment with blood."
Eric Hoffer
Faith is the consolation of the wretched and the terror of the happy.
Faith in God's revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo.
Karl Barth
Those who translate Pistis by "Faith," are utterly wrong. The word "faith" as grace or something to be believed in through unreasoned or blind faith, is a word that dates only since Christianity.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Only on the assumption of belief in the validity of values is the attempt to espouse value-judgments meaningful. However, to judge the validity of such values is a matter of faith.
Max Weber
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